Monday, November 25, 2013

Pre-Thanksgiving Comic update

I just finished page number 65. I'm going to do a few more pages and then give it to my editor before Thanksgiving. I anticipate being ready to release it in the first week or two of December!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Comic update

I'm a little over 60 pages now and will soon be sending the comic to my friend to edit and critique. I'd like to get to the end of the current scene before I do that however.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Comic update 2

I've made some tweaks and changes and have added roughly half a dozen new pages. Things are humming along pretty well now and I'm quite excited. I've also taken to carrying a notebook because I keep having ideas for sequels/further adventures of Mira.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Teaser image

Well this has been a milestone in the comic. I completed all of the world building I needed and along the way laid some groundwork for sequel comics. The comic is now at 40 pages and is off to my editor (a friend of mine) to review and look over.

To celebrate I made a teaser image and posted it at Renderotica, I'll repost it here for posterity!

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Comic update

The comic is now on page 37. I have 4-5 more renders to do in the current part of this issue. A lot of stuff to this point has been world building and introducing characters. After this current sequence is over it will be the 'meat' of the comic, including lots of sex! Not that these early pages are without any sexiness in them! There is no overt sex but there are definitely some, I hope, erotic moments.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Final cover image?

I recolored the cover image slightly and it 'pops' more. After I did that I went back and redid the coloring on all of the images I have to this point and I'm much more happy with them. This will be the cover inside the PDF, I think I will make a sexier store cover when the time comes however.

Blog revamp

Alright, I did a revamp of the blog and I think it is much easier to read now. I'm still working away on the first issue of Mira Kerensky, Super Spy!

There are still some things about the blog I am less than happy with but I am learning how to blog as I go so hopefully it will improve with time.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Still working (on the comic and the blog!)

The comic is going better than the blog so far. I clearly need to play around with this blog and make it easier to read. The comic is on page 26 and I'm still rendering away. The story keeps coming to me and I've had ideas for the sequel(s) already.

Mira is starting to take on a life of her own which is always a good sign!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

General musings about my comic design

When creating a comic book I had two important decisions to make about its format.

First, what dimensions to use, both in size and ration. I played around with various settings and ended up going with a 'widescreen' format at what I thought was a good resolution but not so high that file sizes would prove problematic.

Why did I go widescreen? Because I feel it is a good way to show more action on screen and it gives more opportunities for camera angles and character placement in a scene.

Secondly, how many panels per page? I've seen people do anything from one panel to page up to six or eight panels per page. To be clear, a panel is a single image with the attached text. In my first test comic I switched back and forth and what I found was that when I went with more panels per page I ended up with art being covered by dialogue and text boxes. So, I decided to go 1 panel per page so people can see more of the art.

Update of the cover

Since I am nothing if not a perfectionist I ended up redoing the cover and changing the lighting. I think the new version looks a lot better!

Friday, November 1, 2013

First post and a preview of the cover of my first comic!

I am busy working away on my first comic for Renderotica. It will be about a spy named Mira Kerensky who gets captured by a mad scientist during a mission. Since it is an erotic comic book he will be injecting her with serums that will have an effect on her sex drive, among other things!

Here is the cover, which is a work in progress (click for a larger look!):