Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Still making progress

Things have gotten to a slow start but I expect it to pick up in late January. Being on pain meds after the wisdom teeth were extracted along with some other RL situations have really slowed me down. On the plus side I've got the comic more or less written so once I get back to rendering I anticipate things moving quickly!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Progress has been slow

I have lots of stuff to do for Issue 2 but it has been slowed down because I had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out!  It's not even the pain that is slowing me down but the pain meds. They make me so tired and so foggy that I've gotten very little done because of it.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Mira issue 2 has begun!

I created the cover image which will also serve as my first teaser image. It's quite sexy and I think it also came out looking really beautiful. It was one of those renders where the lighting and shadow came together almost perfectly.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Volume 2 of Mira's adventures will be started soon

I'll probably start next week. Volume 1 consumed so much of my time that I wanted a little break. However, the broad strokes of volume 2 are already in the back of my mind, I just need to put it to paper then start rendering!